Friday, December 02, 2005


Como complemento del articulos sobre animales chilenos en extincion se incluye un resumen en Ingles del mismo para la comprension de conservacionistas extranjeros.

Genetic make up preserved of animal on verge of extinction.
The genetic material of egith native Chilean animals species on the verge
of extinction will now be preserved in a newly created genetic bank,a proyect sponsored by the Foundation of Agrarian Innovation,The Ministry of Agriculture,The University of Concepcion ,Faculty of Veterinary Medicin.
The goal of the proyect is to conserve the genetic material until future chilean generations want to revive the population of the Chilote Fox,the Juan Fernandez hummingbird and the chilean Chinchilla are the most important chosen for preservation.
Genetic samples,consisting in semen,embryos and tissue fragment,will be taken after the animal has been shot with darts coated with anesthesia.
"This proyect is contributing to saving animal species on the verge of extinction",said Macarena Vio sub-director for the Foundation of Agrarian Innovation.
"We area safeguarding the genetic resources of our country´s native species".Vio says the samples can also de used for scientific investigations such as molelular epidemiology among animal population.

Imagen ,Google Juan Fernandez female hummingbird(piclajor hembra de Juan Fernandez)

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